[Open Source] 5M: Cops n' Robbers (5MCNR) - Reopened!

ECONNREFUSED means the database refused your connection. Check your username and password.

Will double check it again, You mean the name / pass in json file

However you are connecting to your Database. The game mode only queries a database, it provides no method of connecting to one. That is on you to set up. The game mode uses GHMattiMySQL; If you use something else you will have to edit the code.

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i`m using GHMattiMySQL and have set it to connect in server.cfg

I’m not sure. I apologize, but since it’s not a game mode issue, I don’t know how to help with it. Ensure your Database is set up correctly, double check the username/password and database name/path, and try again.

I have some issues with this game mode to make it work right now i have connection with the db all are detected but Wen i try to connect to the server and only say Awaiting Scripts and never loads there is another stuff I’m Missing? Or there is a exact order to make it work?

Hope there is a fix.
Have a nice day!

Heya Meta.

This will be an issue with a script you have that is not related to CNR. Please contact the developer of the other scripts you are running.

That’s is the issue I’m not using any other script :sweat_smile: is very weird this happens
there is my server.cfg the order to load the scripts

ensure ghmattimysql
ensure baseevents
ensure chat
ensure spawnmanager
ensure cnrobbers
ensure cnr_blips
ensure cnr_cash
ensure cnr_charcreate
ensure cnr_chat
ensure cnr_clans
ensure cnr_death
ensure cnr_police
ensure cnr_robberies
ensure cnr_scoreboard
ensure cnr_wanted

Or I’m wrong is something?

Hope there is a fix thanks in advance.

I was going to say to make sure you were using spawn manager. My game uses spawn manager to start the game, so there’s no other reason why the load screen wouldn’t go away. The first thing it does is spawn you in the game, and then bring up the main screen.

So far there’s 5 running clones of this without issues loading in. Open an issue on the Github with your client and server logs and I’ll check it out either tonight before bed, or during my break tomorrow morning.

start mapmanager
start fivem-map-skater
start spawnmanager
start fivem
start ■■■■■■■
start baseevents
start chat
start ghmattimysql
start cnrobbers
start cnr_charcreate
start cnr_chat
start cnr_scoreboard
start cnr_cash
start cnr_wanted
start cnr_robberies
start cnr_police
#start cnr_death
start cnr_clans
start cnr_blips
start m-loadingscreen
start lux_vehcontrol
start bob74_ipl
start cnr_custom

mine is like this and works :slight_smile: maybe try mapmanager
you are missing some basic thing

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I’m trying to figure out how gamemodes work for the next push. Checking if there’s a way to make it so everyone doesn’t have to add each individual resource.

Eventually for final release you won’t need the base resources, but you do for now.

what do you have for weapons :slight_smile: i use weapon drops in gunshops

Nothing yet. I was hoping someone would contribute a random pickups or Ammunation script. It’s on my to-do list if nobody else gets to it.

i get to the text part were is says loading but thats as far as it goes wont let me past this any ideas

Make sure you have the latest version, as it fixes all those issues. Also make sure you loaded the database and connected properly. It’s hard to tell without logs or errors.

could be a db problem i get this error but cant find a problem

SCRIPT ERROR: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:924: No such export scalar in resource ghmattimysql

Make sure you’re using the latest version of GHMattiMySQL.

Updates coming soon. I’m part of the power outages in California, and have been having tests in University in between. Not a lot of time to do development for a game.

Hey everyone!

Midterms are almost over; With that being said, next week I am expecting to push out a weapons update, so that weapons can be bought at Ammunation, or obtained randomly around the map.

I’ve noticed there’s a few forks taken of the Repository - If you’ve forked the resource, be sure to create a pull request if you’ve done anything so you can be pushed to the latest update.

The Weapons update should go live around Saturday evening, October 26th.


Has the weapon update been released? Did not see anything about it on github.
