One World RP | 30+ Jobs | Legal/Illegal Jobs | World Wide 🌏 | Hunting/Trucking | 70+ Custom Vehicles | Custom Scripts | Lucky Keys | Controller Friendly

World Radio One
Access from your vehicle radio wheel or house radio inside World RP

Also available online at

In Game Anytime Radio Commands
Listen to World Radio One… /radio
Listen to Techno Savage … /radio2
Stop the radio… /stopradio

Double Lucky keys and Money on Cargo Driver-Entire Map…

New Event starting Today!

Still 3 chests to be found full of prizes, each chest is worth millions!!

Hiring 18+ and mature… Staff, Police, Paramedics and more!!

Come on by and get some lottery tickets, up to 100, numbers are stored and a random number is generated every hour, making a winner or not… We have already had 4 winners so get your tickets!!

Buy Now!

First Lotto Winner

Someone found the lucky chest containing a lucky token which lets them have any vehicle of there choice!! Congrats :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

The lotto now stands at 500k!

Can you send NY the lottery script

Purge Alert system, when theres nothing better to do!

Congrats to the 2nd lotto winnner!! the pot has been reset to $500,000

And now the pot stand over 2 million come see

Congrats to the 3rd lotto winner and to the people who found the luck chest full of drugs!!


The Lottery is now at 1.2 million!

ALL weaponized aircraft are available for purchase, with there weapons disabled so u can still enjoy flying any aircraft while everyone stays safe!!

find the 2 hidden chests under water and on land complete with 5 million dollars, lucky keys and a token for any vehicle offered in the server

Plus the lottery needs you to buy some tickets, its over 1.5 million so far so be quick before someone wins it!!

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Get your tickets while its Hot! Lotto Jackpot at $4,256,500 :money_with_wings::moneybag::money_with_wings::money_mouth_face:

Congrats to the person who found the chest containing a Lucky Car Token, $5000000 and 500 lucky keys!!! Still 3 prize chests to be found!!!

50% off lucky keys all weekend plus 3 chests filled with treasure to be found!!

We need hints :slight_smile:

Please take the drama somewhere else.

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