No support for cyrillic / utf-8?

Hi. I’ve been having some issues with cyrillic symbols in FiveM. I am using vRP framework, PC with Windows 10, and I’ve tried launching the server on windows and linux. All server lua files I’ve checked so far are encoded in UTF-8 without BOM, and I’ve also tried setting Windows console to UTF-8 via CHCP 65001 command.
While server is launched on Windows, and I use vRP kick or ban with reason written in russian, users get the kick message with broken encoding.
What I write on server:
What users get:
In addition to that, when the server is launched on linux, the server console hangs when someone sends message in russian to chat, and doesn’t allow inputting anything for some time.

Any workarounds for this issue, or something has to be done by FiveM Devs to fix this?

Probably an issue in vRP, base FiveM supports Unicode in-game just fine.

Consoles hanging is an OS thing, perhaps an invalid locale setting is used?

I’ve tried to reproduce hanging on linux again - it didn’t happen and the message in russian was displayed correctly in the console, but this time I’ve tested on my other server, so OS configuration is probably the problem.
As for kick reason - I’ve tried clientkick console command both on linux and windows server to exclude vRP, and the same thing happened with message.

However, changing error message to russian in hardcap resource and making hardcap player limit = 0 works ok, as well as russian in deferrals while connecting to the server.

Try to save your lua file with cyrillic text as utf8 (without BOM) file via norepad++

It was already in utf-8 without BOM, and this bug was fixed by the elements already - not relevant any more :slight_smile: