Nexus RolePlay. *The search for quality roleplay*

Nexus Roleplay
Join an active community, always focusing on improving their RP and community! :100:

What is Nexus Roleplay?
Nexus roleplay is an active fivem roleplay community with active staff and alot fo fun features, fully economy based!

*What can we offer?
Custom vehicles (200+) :race_car:
Drugs: Cocaine/Weed/Opium/Meth :pill:
Illegal vehicle shop :oncoming_police_car:
Custom interiors :house:
Bunker interiors :gun:
Buyable crate-drops :mailbox:
Alot of events :black_flag:
Active / Friendly community :sun_with_face:
Active staff :hammer:
Whitelisted jobs like PD/EMS/FD :cop: :ambulance: :fire_engine:
Illegal jobs like Mafia/Bikergang Etc. :pistol:
Active community, always looking to improve. :tools:
Actively adding new features always improving! :construction_worker:

SERVER 1 24/7
here’s the ip: :white_check_mark:

Join our discord now to learn more about us!


Cheeky bump

Might as well bump again <3 Can we get a convo going? how people doin? ides, criticism is welcome here and on the discord

One more bump then.

just a bump coming through

We’ve added a blackmarket vehicle shop where you can buy illegal vehicles,
We’ve removed alot of the lagg,
Added a new inventory UI
Added wheelchairs for EMS to use.
Cop cars have had a big overhaul over the past days.
Added Gunshot Residue test for police.
Trunks work now

Come join nexus roleplay now.
Looking for people to fill up the gangs add to our PD / EMS / Mechanic or other legal jobs.

Plenty of RP situations can be made. with the recent addition of buyable crate drops you can be sure to have a fun experience.

-Nexus Management

Updated the description to look alot more appealing.

Come join us ingame or on the discord!

We’ve set up crate drops with more weapons now.
Removed armoured cars, helis and apocalypse cars from the black market.
Changed parts of the UI.
Also added speed radars around the city

We are currently in need of active POLICE and EMS
As well as we will be introducing 2 new jobs: army and pilot jobs.

Currently in need of active members, for every department.


I can help promote nexus and maybe get new People in for departments? :thinking: @miniDeathStriker

Hell yea @NuNu

Great @miniDeathStriker I’ll get to work :joy:

We have recently moved to Sandy shores


Hows everyone doing today?

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LIFE is great in SANDY shores :slight_smile:


Assistant chief of PD here ready to put on his cowboy hat


This server is really fun <3

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This server is the best!

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