Need serious help with vrp

After all this time creating a server, something went wrong with a file. Could someone send me their basic mission file with the drug job included. Here’s the error I get:

Thats part of FX-Server, that error can be ignored


From: Running FXServer

problem is that the server doesn’t appear, nor can I connect

do you recieve any other errors?

the only error I got was that one and strangely if you look here:, it says C:\FXServer which it didn’t do before

Have you been able to join it before?

yes i have,all the time

Hmm, strange, when ive used vRP before its always worked. Just looked at vrp and people are having a few issues with it, i stopped using it cause of all the identification errors it would throw and since moved on to es_rp as that works flawlessly

Idk, i’m so used to vrp now , does anyone have the file I asked?