[Modified-Release] Hospitalize : Send people to Hospitals Via Commands [NO SUPPORT]

how do i fix

Its must be the trigger event or command. I will take a look into it and will hopefully fix it as soon as possible.

any fix on this yet

Might being lazy but at the same time im not that expert, is there a way to force them to stay on the bed with the animation ?

Great script! Love it!

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is there any way i can force people to be in the hospital bed using this?

wondering this too…

Could anyone make this with jobcheck, instead of password?

I tried this and it was very buggy. I have the open interior for that exact hospital. But it try’s to also teleport me to the prison as well. I do believe this is because it is interfering with the jailer script.

I know the post says no support, but is there anybody that can possibly help me with this?

Hello, I sincerely apologize I have been very busy recently hence why I placed no support but I can give you some help on the reasons this is happening. Well to start with, it is a major fuck up from my side cause changing the code I forgot to replace the most basic thing which is the trigger event, therefore if you have both of them it will teleport you to both of them. Now I’m going to assume you don’t know what I’m talking about so I have fixed it myself, so downloading it again should have the new triggers and just in case I’m going to leave the code here. All you have to do is replace the code below into the marked files or redownload the files :slight_smile:


--Coded by Albo1125.
-- /////// I take no credits for this, this was 100% coded by Albo1125./////
--Modified by Kevin.

local cH = false
local eHE = false

AddEventHandler("HP", function(hT)
	if cH == true then
	local pP = GetPlayerPed(-1)
	if DoesEntityExist(pP) then

			local playerOldLoc = GetEntityCoords(pP, true)
			SetEntityCoords(pP, 360.28, -591.07, 43.31)
			cH = true
			eHE = false
			while hT > 0 and not eHE do
				pP = GetPlayerPed(-1)
				RemoveAllPedWeapons(pP, true)
				SetEntityInvincible(pP, true)
				if IsPedInAnyVehicle(pP, false) then
				if hT % 30 == 0 then
					TriggerEvent('chatMessage', 'SYSTEM', { 0, 0, 0 }, hT .." more seconds until release.")
				local pL = GetEntityCoords(pP, true)
				local D = Vdist(360.28, -591.07, 43.31, pL['x'], pL['y'], pL['z'])
				if D > 90 then
					SetEntityCoords(pP, 360.28, -591.07, 43.31)
					if D > 100 then
						hT = hT + 60
						if hT > 1500 then
							hT = 1500
						TriggerEvent('chatMessage', 'DOCTOR', { 0, 0, 0 }, "Your hospital stay time was extended for an injury made during an escape attempt.")
				hT = hT - 0.5
			TriggerServerEvent('chatMessageEntered', "SYSTEM", { 0, 0, 0 }, GetPlayerName(PlayerId()) .." was released from the hospital.")
			SetEntityCoords(pP, 298.22, -593.91, 43.26)
			cJ = false
			SetEntityInvincible(pP, false)

AddEventHandler("UnHP", function()
	eHE = true
--Coded by Albo1125
--Modified by Kevin.


--Coded by Albo1125.
--Modified by Kevin

local hospitalPassword = "ems" --change this password to your liking and don't share it with the patients ;-)
local defaultsecs = 180
local maxsecs = 1000


AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, n, message)
    cm = stringsplit(message, " ")

    if(cm[1] == "/hospitalme") then
		local hT = defaultsecs
		if cm[2] ~= nil then
			hT = tonumber(cm[2])
		if hT > maxsecs then
			hT = maxsecs

		print("Hospitalizing ".. GetPlayerName(source) .. " for ".. hT .." secs")
		TriggerClientEvent("HP", source, hT)
		TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, 'DOCTOR', { 0, 0, 0 }, GetPlayerName(source) ..' hospitalized for '.. hT ..' secs')
    elseif cm[1] == "/unhospital" then
		if cm[2] == hospitalPassword then
			local tPID = tonumber(cm[3])
			if GetPlayerName(tPID) ~= nil then
				print("Unhospital ".. GetPlayerName(tPID).. " - cm entered by ".. GetPlayerName(source))
				TriggerClientEvent("UnJP", tPID)
			print("Incorrect hospitalPassword entered by ".. GetPlayerName(source))
	elseif cm[1] == "/hospital" then
		if tablelength(cm) > 2 then
			if cm[2] == hospitalPassword then
				local tPID = tonumber(cm[3])
				local hT = defaultsecs
				if tablelength(cm) > 3 then
					if cm[4] ~= nil then
						hT = tonumber(cm[4])
				if hT > maxsecs then
					hT = maxsecs
				if GetPlayerName(tPID) ~= nil then
					print("Hospitalizing ".. GetPlayerName(tPID).. " for ".. hT .." secs - cm entered by ".. GetPlayerName(source))
					TriggerClientEvent("HP", tPID, hT)
					TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, 'DOCTOR', { 0, 0, 0 }, GetPlayerName(tPID) ..' hospitalized for '.. hT ..' secs')
				print("Incorrect hospitalPassword entered by ".. GetPlayerName(source))

print('RG Hospitalizer by Kevin.')
function stringsplit(inputstr, sep)
    if sep == nil then
        sep = "%s"
    local t={} ; i=1
    for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
        t[i] = str
        i = i + 1
    return t

function tablelength(T)
  local count = 0
  for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
  return count
--Coded by Albo1125
--Modified by Kevin.

Ha, yea. I’m not too advanced with all of this FiveM Coding stuff, but I know a few things. Didn’t quite know how to fix it myself because when I tried it just made it worse, lol. But thank you so much for this fix, much appreciated! Keep up the amazing work!

I do have one quick question. Is is possible to change the location to another custom interior that I have in my server that I planned on using? If so, please get back to me… Thanks in advance!

1 Like

Absolutely, all you need to do is modify the coords into the custom ones. \

Change these :slight_smile:

				local pL = GetEntityCoords(pP, true)
				local D = Vdist(360.28, -591.07, 43.31, pL['x'], pL['y'], pL['z'])
				if D > 90 then
					SetEntityCoords(pP, 360.28, -591.07, 43.31)
					if D > 100 then
						hT = hT + 60
						if hT > 1500 then
							hT = 1500
						TriggerEvent('chatMessage', 'DOCTOR', { 0, 0, 0 }, "Your hospital stay time was extended for an injury made during an escape attempt.")
				hT = hT - 0.5
			TriggerServerEvent('chatMessageEntered', "SYSTEM", { 0, 0, 0 }, GetPlayerName(PlayerId()) .." was released from the hospital.")
			SetEntityCoords(pP, 298.22, -593.91, 43.26)
			cJ = false
			SetEntityInvincible(pP, false)

Replace the XYZ coords.

Thank you so much!

Sorry for the super late delay on this… Just got to trying to fix it. I replaced the script with the updated scripts you sent me and I get this:

I have the custom hospital map installed. So I’m not too sure what’s going on here…

EDIT: Also, when stopping the script in the command prompt, I still end up at the prison.

Thanks in advance for any help!

It seams like its still interfering with the jail script, do me a favor and delete all the file for the script and download it again and try that. If that doesn’t work then I think I might have forgotten to change a trigger.

Sorry for the late reply. Would you like me to delete both the jailer and hospital script? Just want to make sure before I go ahead and do so.

Just the hospital.

I’m not too good at coding, is there a way to remove the password and add a reason?

hello, great script I have accompanied him with some healing beds and it works very well, it is a great script, my respects.

But I have a problem, the script only works the first time I put /hospitalme, then I do all the process, I leave the hospital healthy, I die again and when I write /hospitalme, I see in console the first line of the script that says XXX seconds and it does not work, I do not see more lines in the console, I do not teleport, I thought about a cooling time but I have not seen anything in the script.

What could be the problem?

THANKS for this great script

Thanks for your great review :grinning:.
I might have an idea, please go ahead and answer the following questions:

  1. Do you have the Albo1125 Jailer script?
  2. Open your serverHospital.lua and tell me the time that is set in default SECS, if you dont know what im talking about, just make sure that it looks like this


--Coded by Albo1125.
--Modified by Kevin

local hospitalPassword = "ems" --change this password to your liking and don't share it with the patients ;-)
local defaultsecs = 180
local maxsecs = 1000


AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, n, message)
    cm = stringsplit(message, " ")

    if(cm[1] == "/hospitalme") then
		local hT = defaultsecs
		if cm[2] ~= nil then
			hT = tonumber(cm[2])
		if hT > maxsecs then
			hT = maxsecs

		print("Hospitalizing ".. GetPlayerName(source) .. " for ".. hT .." secs")
		TriggerClientEvent("HP", source, hT)
		TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, 'DOCTOR', { 0, 0, 0 }, GetPlayerName(source) ..' hospitalized for '.. hT ..' secs')
    elseif cm[1] == "/unhospital" then
		if cm[2] == hospitalPassword then
			local tPID = tonumber(cm[3])
			if GetPlayerName(tPID) ~= nil then
				print("Unhospital ".. GetPlayerName(tPID).. " - cm entered by ".. GetPlayerName(source))
				TriggerClientEvent("UnJP", tPID)
			print("Incorrect hospitalPassword entered by ".. GetPlayerName(source))
	elseif cm[1] == "/hospital" then
		if tablelength(cm) > 2 then
			if cm[2] == hospitalPassword then
				local tPID = tonumber(cm[3])
				local hT = defaultsecs
				if tablelength(cm) > 3 then
					if cm[4] ~= nil then
						hT = tonumber(cm[4])
				if hT > maxsecs then
					hT = maxsecs
				if GetPlayerName(tPID) ~= nil then
					print("Hospitalizing ".. GetPlayerName(tPID).. " for ".. hT .." secs - cm entered by ".. GetPlayerName(source))
					TriggerClientEvent("HP", tPID, hT)
					TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, 'DOCTOR', { 0, 0, 0 }, GetPlayerName(tPID) ..' hospitalized for '.. hT ..' secs')
				print("Incorrect hospitalPassword entered by ".. GetPlayerName(source))

print('RG Hospitalizer by Kevin.')
function stringsplit(inputstr, sep)
    if sep == nil then
        sep = "%s"
    local t={} ; i=1
    for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
        t[i] = str
        i = i + 1
    return t

function tablelength(T)
  local count = 0
  for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
  return count
--Coded by Albo1125
--Modified by Kevin.

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