Mixed Elite is searching for Staff and players!

Welcome To Mixed Elite!

MixedElite is a server that has been developed in private for over 6 months and now has gone into open Beta.

We put the emphasis on character development and in game relationships.
Each whitelisted job has a Deep integration in the RP experience. and each job will bring some responsibility in game as the jobs are economically crucial.

We have a 18+ policy to all whitelisted jobs and 16 + with admin approval.

we currently hiring to the following Whitelisted Positions:

  • Police Force - Open [management - Close]
  • Emergency medical services - Open [management - Close]
  • Pink Unicorn - Open [management - Open]
  • Wine Grower - Open [management - Open]
  • Tabac Grower - Open [management - Open]
  • Night Club - Open [management - Open]
  • Mafia - Open [management - Close]
  • Gangs - Open [management - Open]
  • Mechanic - Open [management - Close]

Some of our server main features and screenshots:
  • Custom Vehicles.
    50+ HQ Add on cars located at a separate shop.
  • Skill system that will affect in game interaction.
  • Fully functional business system for passive income.
  • 5 Drugs with uniqe in game affects 4 Of them are economically viable and 1 is for pureRP.

    Weed, Coke, Opium and Meth :
  • Affordable motel rooms and Apartments across the city ranging from cheap motel rooms to High End Housing.

    *ELS Lighting system .
  • Craft system for mechanics and bars. Collect, process, mix and assemble all you need to get the job done!.
  • Vehicle black market. Buy and sell stolen players vehicles. if your car is stolen you have 1 week to buy it back before it goes to public sell.
  • Player Owned Bars, Strip club and Night club.
  • Armored truck Robbery.
  • Heists and bank Robbery.
  • Standard RP jobs.
    (Miner, Fueler, Diver, Delivery boy, Bus Driver, City worker ETC)

    *Sickenss System with 3 diffrent diseases you can catch.

    *MDC and Criminal record with DNA.
  • And meny more thet you will need to find out in RP… :slight_smile:

if you want to be a part of an amazing expiriance in the making join here :

Or join the discord to apply to our Whitelisted Job’s :


Nice server <3

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Bump! :slight_smile:

Amazing server with a monumental amount of potential. Come join and have fun.

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bump! post updated.