Misfits RP | Realistic Economy | Realistic RP | Active Staff | Dev Team | Custom UI's | Custom Scripts | Housing | Custom Cars | Jobs | White-listed Police/EMS/Car Dealers/Mechanics/Unicorn | Guns | Drugs | Robberies | Black Market | NoPixel Inspired

When i first joined misfits i though wow this server is really hard. the reason i though that was because this was the first ever economy server that i had joined. but after one day of playing, i noticed how you can get along with the players easily ( i still haven’t met every person but i would be nice to). After speaking with some people they were really nice they didn’t judge me etc. but back to the server it is really fun and tough but the toughness adds more to the fun because imagine a economy server that was really easy to get money from it really would not be fun. and the staff members, they are really nice people i have met some but not all of them, they are also good at their jobs. ---- Jeffrey B.


I was brought here by a good friend, found out it was a really friendly and accepting community, along with great role players, the only issue i find is player base, which will grow <3! The city feels more lonely then ever, however this isn’t all doom and gloom as this server, really takes care of its community!


Fist time on a RP server and I tried a bunch before I landed here … I really love it so far… Its been a roller coaster ride for me with some tough luck but also had lots of fun with some of you already. Im looking forward to getting to know you all a bit better … Thanks for building a really great place to learn.


I found it hard at first since this is the first time for me playing FiveM. The Devs and the community helped me out through what to do and what not to do, I made mistakes but people understood that I didn’t really know what I was doing. I had and still have an amazing experience with the mods, the devs and the owner. The staff are listening to you, they want to know your opinion, even if you say it is ‘‘a bad server’’ they’ll want to know why and how they could make the server a better one for you to have an amazing experience. Their actions are based on their community ideas. I would give them a 8.5/10.


Good server. The RP is great and no one really gets out of character. Balanced vehicles.


For me this server has truly been the needle in a haystack of crappy unmoderated servers. After hours of searching I found this server and I couldn’t be happier. The server is moderated by people who know what they are doing, the custom cars and supercar rotations are great ideas that I haven’t seen implemented on many other servers. The custom tuning done for each of the cars by the admins provides a balanced server in which most cars are viable instead of only one or 2. Overall this server is great and I hope to see it grow.


Despite the name, MisfitsRP houses some amazing people and content that is second to none. Absolutely amazing atmosphere, community, and roleplay


It’s been an enjoyable ride watching the misfits server develop into an amazing community. The server hasn’t been live for to long but with hard working dev’s its grown to surpass other servers very quickly. New citizens are constantly entering which adds an awesome element of fresh roleplay. There is still the problem of trolls and hackers from time to time but what server is without those threats. However most of those incidents are very short lived due to the watchful eye of big brother. I look forward to what other secrets this community has in store for its users!


server is really solid and the community is awesome


Hey Guys I’m looking for a new city and wanted to check out your discord, but the link has expired. Maybe that’s a me problem though. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance


Discord Code: FFSQ2mp
Discord Link: http://discord.gg/FFSQ2mp


Patch Notes v4.0.0

  • New EMS System
    • Hospital Location changed to Pillbox(Go Through the tunnel behind Legion Square)
    • EMS RP Scenario for revives added
    • Revives now take place at the hospital
    • People can now bring others back to life using a “Defibrillator” purchased at the hospital
    • Players that are brought back to life now are placed in an animation until they are brought to the hospital by either a player or EMS
    • Players are now billed for EMS Transportation and for Hospital charges based on injuries
  • Thief Script updated to be compatible with the new hospital system
    • Drag, Put In Vehicle, and Take out of Vehicle should now work on players that are in an injured animation
  • New Notification system for injuries
    • Located on the bottom right of your screen
  • Yellow Pages updated
    • Car Dealers Added(Text them from your favorites or contacts)
  • Mini-map Icon Updates
    • Garages updated
    • Car Dealership updated
    • Hospital shop Added
    • You Tool updated
  • Mechanics are no longer able to sit in Emergency Vehicles
    • Fixing Emergency vehicles does not require you to sit in the vehicle for longer than a split second
    • How to fix an emergency vehicle:
      1. Repair
      2. Sit in Vehicle and it will kick you out
      3. It will repair the vehicle

Very cool no pixel based server, Cops and Ems almost always on. Keep up the good work!


Really Fun server enjoy my play experience here!

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Such a well put together server, the admins are so amazing and always on top of literally everything you can think of, even the little things. I cant thank then enough for everything they do in such a short amount of time!!


I loved it btw its Crook

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And the server is the best server that ive played on

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Probs one of the best servers i have played staff and community wise. Staff are willing to help out at anytime.

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Alright, for being a non-whitelisted server, this server is good regarding content. Also, for being a 2 month old server, again, it’s more than great at that point. The RP, for me personally has picked up in a positive direction even with people who I didn’t care to RP with as much, they have improved to me so people are learning.

That being said, this server has a ton of potential, this might not being an annoying thing to anyone else, but one of the biggest things to me is the physics of the vehicles at high speed, it just does not seem natural and racing is just weird because of it. A car being extremely fast isn’t an issue because it means that it would win on a straight, so speeds don’t really matter that much to me, but there are cars that can turn perfectly going 200+ and just it doesn’t feel right. Another thing I guess that would bother me is that people who happen to get rotational cars and then never get on and such, what’s the point if you’re basically taking the opportunity from someone to love that car to death because it’s either the only one in the city or 1 of 3 cars.

Regarding cops, they do a good job honestly, but my favorite cop/RPer in general even with less interaction than most people is Far AKA Chief Blake. So if people could learn from someone regarding cop RP and just being a cop in general in the server is definitely from her in my opinion. Unsure of how training or anything works, but I know cadets go on a ride along or so with experienced cops from what I’ve encountered when I got sentenced for community service one time for not being aware of someone selling drugs(Whoever the cadet was that tased me from afar, nice shot.)

Staff is active from the month or so I’ve been in the server and they do for the most part try their best to fix issues and create content based on what people suggest so they do listen to the people.

Economy could be better, but again, I know people complain, it’s a work in progress, not perfect, but the staff is trying. Pizza shouldn’t be $100 for a server that is supposed to be a realistic economy.

Mechanics RP could be expanded so much:
-Mechanics who work their way up and if they have enough money, buy a shop and run their own mechanic shop.
-Instead of just the animation of repairing vehicles, how about needing actual parts to repair the vehicle(same goes to putting mods on) so there is a real economy for that and parts aren’t infinite so money would be a big thing for that and billing.

Import cars should have their own thing so PDM could be for native GTA cars and another location could be for Imports.

Another big one for me, would be able to see a true first person POV when aiming down sights on a gun, like Call of Duty, Siege, etc. On top of that, maybe add real sounds to the guns.

Open up more properties for people to buy and maybe run their own company, or property like the arena down south where you can host events and whatnot.

There is so much you can do, but other than that, this server is new and it’s still growing with frequent updates, so thank you to all of the staff members for making this server great so far.


Big D server