MIAVWhitelist - simple multitier autokick whitelisting

Some script kiddy decided they’d call me a virgin, as he was tearing apart an RP community i’m a part of…
i can’t abide by halfwits with other people’s code making idle threats, so i wrote this.

fully server side. your clients have zero control unless they’re admins. it’s instant and ruthless…

Non SQL Version : https://github.com/mikethemadkiwi/MIAV
SQL Version : https://github.com/mikethemadkiwi/MIAV/tree/MIAV2

Look, i’m a hobbyist, but i’ve had this script protecting several other servers and it seems to work quite well. if you feel you ca update it! let me know! totally cool with taking advice!
Fix it, edit it, make it your own, or just run it as is, i’m cool with any of that…

Madkiwi (is a virgin)


I am guessing you want this to be in the #development:releases category. I have moved it for you.


Wow one hour…:wink: nice i will test it :wink:

yeah thanx xander, for some reason i can post directly to releases, i blame it mostly on being a noob.

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I thin its doesnt work for me. I put my Steam ID in the config.lua but the server dont let me in. Because my level is not high enough. But I give me Level 250. Maybe I make a mistake ? Someone help me ?

Simply add

grouplist["YOUR STEAM ID"] = 250 -- YOUR NAME

to the MIAV_Config.lua file

That is exactly what I did.

You got discord?

I found the Issue. Its another Steam ID. I tried the Steam ID, SteamID3 and SteamID64. But its a different ID to put in the script. :smiley:

You have an idea how to get this ID before someone join my server ?

You would need to wait till the person actually joins the server or start connecting the script will log the details

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