Make ped ignore police siren

I’m trying to create a script to pull a vehicle over. I get behind them, hit a key, and it tasks them to drive to a certain nearby coord using TaskVehicleDriveToCoord. In that function, you can set the driving flags. I have tried all flags, but I am unable to get the ped to ingore my siren.

The ped stops for the siren and then continues driving, ignoring the drivetocoord.I have tried the function where everbody ignores player and TaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents. The blocking of non temp events just makes the car sit in the middle of the road.

Anybody able to help me out?

tldr: How to make ped ignore police siren

After the update, SetEntityAsMissionEntity is now making the peds ignore it completely.

Is still still confirmed as working?

EDIT: Not working for me, just makes them sit there!