Make Direct Connect look like the server info

Currently the server info page, obtained by clicking the server name in the listing, is very different from what is seen in the Direct Connect information page.
I’m sure there are perfectly valid reasons for this, but I would very much like for them to be exactly the same, or at least very similar.

Same thing with the connection dialog when connecting from Direct Connect.

I do realize that some things depend on the heartbeat and master server, and that this is a very minor thing, but I thought that maybe you were bored some Tuesday afternoon and had nothing better to do…?


Because it makes messing around with setting banners and tags way easier to do.

Why not just favorite your server and click on it from your favorites? I suppose this could help for unlisted servers.

Yep, my test server is unlisted, and that’s where I do all my testing.

Then just get a free dns so you can direct-connect to it easier.

Ease isn’t @Demonen’s concern. It’s that when you update certain server listing information, such as a server banner, there is no way to review the changes on an unlisted server or through direct connect without having the server listed.

My bad, I completely read that wrong.