MailDelivery v1.0.2 - Standalone mail delivery job for Paleto Bay, Grapeseed and Sandy Shores (Extra: ESX Addon)

@d0p3t Nice script! I converted it to use the ND_Framework by Andy7666 money system, which is a little framework I use on my server.
I am currently in the process of converting many others standalone job script to this framework, since it’s very new and not that popular yet, and then release like a “pack” with all of these modified scripts.
Therefore I would really like to re-release this with the little modifications I’ve done, while of course crediting you. Am I allowed?

i got no blips for some reason :frowning:


I need some assistance, I use NAT2K15’s Currency System. :frowning:

Can I use this with a standalone script such as GitHub - NAT2K15/fivem-money-system: Standalone money system is possible please someone help.

Installed and loaded( No ISSUES) How do you “start” the job???

I realize this is an old post and old script but it still work. Only issue i have is onstead of making a simple config file you have everything going into the server config. Is there any chance youll uodate this tobadd a sinplenserver config?
Id like tonadd more routes and what not as well.