Lung Capacity With SetPedMaxTimeUnderwater

Hey everyone. I’m having a bit of trouble with the SetPedMaxTimeUnderwater Native, since there are no notes on what float values do what. The function is as follows.

// 0x6BA428C528D9E522 0x082EF240
// SetPedMaxTimeUnderwater
void SET_PED_MAX_TIME_UNDERWATER(Ped ped, float value);

I have it setting values for the correct ped, but what happens with different values seems to be random. So far, I have found that negative values don’t affect capacity, and that 0 will start damage instantly.

Has anyone figured out values that actually increase your lung capacity?

Try to change float to 100.0 and see what happens.

Setting it to 100 and various other positive int values appears to have the effect of near instant damage as well.

I’m gonna try and play with it now, will let you know what I find.

Did you set it as 100 or as 100.0 (which is a float) ?