Los Santos Customs | Benny's Motorworks V1.2


Is there anyway to lock Bennys, LScustom and Beekers so only a mechanic may use them?

I’d love to know how to write in saving for tuning in the db

Write a function that checks from permissions, then set it to only allow mechanic group. If else then output that they are not a mechanic.

Does it work with ESX??

Yes, if you convert it to ESX

For some reason i keep falling through the map once i get into lsc. Dont really have anything else that would be conflicting. Advise?

TBH I feel the fall threw map/lack of textures/Timeouts till no end/Crash clients is something to do w/ FiveM hosts… They are constantly getting network attacked and we are suffering the penalty.

No actually it’s mostly on the client who has a computer that isn’t capable of streaming the content fast enough.

Are we confirming that the client-side internet speed is the potential cause?

I am sitting on the server, and both machines are more than adequate. I have determined vMenu is causing it, but not really sure how. When vMenu is disabled it works fine. When enabled once my car pulls into the garage i fall through the floor and it keeps looping.

Anyone have the wheel options working?

ESX = nil
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

AddEventHandler("LSC:buttonSelected", function(name, button)
    local _source = source
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
	if button.price then -- check if button have price
		if button.price < xPlayer.getMoney() then
			TriggerClientEvent("LSC:buttonSelected", source,name, button, true)
			TriggerClientEvent("LSC:buttonSelected", source,name, button, false)

Im trying to make it so it works and remove money in esx but i get this error

ERROR: There seems to be an issue while removing money, a different type then number was trying to be removed.

Anybody can shed me some light on what i am doing wrong

Nevermind, stupid mistake. I figured it out. :man_facepalming:
Very nice script i love it.

Hey I’m, trying to get this to work too, how did you fix it?

Yes i did. I just dont know if i am allowed to post the esx version here. I even made it controller friendly. So when you press B on controller it does not go cinematic mode.
esx_lscustoms.rar (22.2 KB)
@MythicalBro If you dont want me to share this esx version just let me know and ill delete my post.


Thank you very much!

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Seems to work, can enter the garage, but in every custom, after the enter animation, vehicle fall under map

Anyone get Bennys Original or Bennys Bespoke wheels to work???

Hummm thats because your internet is not great so i suggest to disable animation then in the file something call enable enter old way

internet is not the issue (also i have a good one), it was tested on a local server

Well it works fine for me. If your playing on the same pc as your local then that most likely your pc drive is not fast enough if its not the internet speed. Cant really help you on this. Like i said use the old entering way from the files