Looking to start up an RP server but am clueless as far as the development of it goes. (Looking for dev)

I am thinking about starting up an RP server, obviously I plan to put quite a bit of money into it to make it a server worth playing on/working on but I have no clue how to even begin to develop one. That’s why I am here today trying to find someone who is experienced and willing to run this community with me. Hit me on Discord @ REDRUM#3979! Hope yo hear from some of you soon!

I would say you need to learn. As a word of advise, learn. It will only help you. If you don’t know how a server runs or what the back-end is like, I highly recommend not having your own community. So just learn before moving further, never rush anything!

Exactly what mr Faxes said, shoud join mine.
Our post: Shadow Valley Roleplay | Open Command Spots! | Gangs | Drugs | and more
Discord name: Humorphoinex#1151

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Added. ItzTechnologyZack#8062

Message me

Got 90 custom resources on my server within 5 days. How? By watching these two videos:

They’re so easy that you will be a god tier dev in 2-3 days.

That’s not real dev work that’s learning how to copy and paste …

At least you get to know the basics, and pretty much all you need to know.

And this is why multiple people are saying your server is awful on your own forum post :joy:

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Multiple? You mean only 2 people?. Wrong topic btw :slight_smile:

At least I’m not like the other community owners. I listen to the people, and to the whole community. Their voices are being heard on my server Mr. @Fischer_TTT

Gonna have to respectfully disagree.

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Gonna have to respectfully disagree on that one. Worked for me. From those two videos, I got pretty much everything I needed to know.

Not trying to start drama, but just to let people in the community know, if you’re looking for a professional server owner, i don’t think you will find one here. I say that because unfortunatly we didn’t have the best experience with him. Just trying to make it so people don’t waste their time with this guy.

Lmao that’s why that’s not even my number…

Def changing my name now though…