Looking for DOJ type Server

Im looking for a server to join and be a part of. I Do Not have any experience but I really want to learn somewhere. If you need my Discord its WantedDuck125#5282

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check out east coast justice

Please check your discord DMs.

Feel free to check us out!


I have a cali one it’s still new and not very big all depends on if u want big full server all time or a small calm one

check your discord DM just friend me so that you can see it

sfjrp.com is a pretty good server, its whitelisted though second best option to DOJ

We offer training to all our members if you would like more in for get in touch with me. Thanks

Message me please Craig.

We have a great community offered with in house developers that make custom scripts and assets for us. But its not all about the custom stuff at IMPROV. We believe in the people as well, we take every suggestion, comment, and any other things and put them to the max. One thing I stride on is great admins. We (admins) at IMPROV RP don’t ban or kick people unless its a huge problem. We talk to people first and make user experience and thoughts better. So click that link above and check us out.

I approve :wink: Love that you have in house devs and custom scripts so honestly if anyone wants an DOJ go for yours :))

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