Looking for Bulgarian devs

Our current team consist of two people

Me - doing mostly designing for each resource, since we’re building new interfaces for most of the scripts and reworking the default interface. I’m doing my best to land a hand with the LUA scripting too.

Developer - doing most of the heavy lifting, experienced with LUA and JS.

We’ve been working on this for quite some time now, but started realizing that what we want to accomplish will take a lot of time if its just the two of us. We’re both working full-time and do this purely out of passion for RP in our free time.

We’re looking for developers that understand what stands in the core of a good RP server and have programming experience.

Feel free to message us here or reach out to us via:
Discord: Ristaki#1234 or Potato#4831
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076617675/ (the dev’s steam)

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bump bump

bump bump

bump bump

Try Posting some more information, instead of continuous bumping. :snail: don’t like that many bumps.

For Instance, you can post your progress, What’s been happening, and many other factors that make your post look more pleasable. Express your project you might find a Developer.