Live ingame text chat, Outside the game

Hi, i was wondering if there is any way to see a live-feed of the ingame text chat so our dispatchers don’t have to be in the game, As when someone dose /911 [message] the dispatchers need to see what that message is. If there is something like this already please link me!

How about even better, a modified version of [Release] LiveMap to directly show where the 911 caller is?

There is tons of possibilities, like sending them to discord or to teamspeak via a teamspeak query. Whatever voice chat you are using.

To add to @zr0iq here’s a discord version you can use to get your chat in your discord Simple Discord Bot (Using Discord Webhook)

i already have this on the server. Do you mean when they do /911 they pop up on the map? or do you still have to get information from someone who is in game, so you can find out where they are?

Yes, if they do /911 you trigger on the server side that a temporary blip gets added to the map. You can even add even a description on it according to his description. I am not sure how though as I am not using the map itself. But it should be doable with 5-10 Minutes of modification max.

So the link you sent me has the information on how to set it up like that?

Yes. You just need to add the blips via events described in Havocs lengthy post. Just call the right event and pass the described datastructure to it.

I would probably recommend a map for the dispatchers only that consists of the police officers, /911 calls with information (a description) and dead players.

yeah is this only for our dispatch. Just something better than being in game. ill have to look into it. Thankyou!