List of BlipIDs


I am looking for a list of the BlipIDs and what they are. Is there such a list?


Perfect! Thank you very much my friend!

more to come
463-469 are tiny ones

Those are DLC blips I assume?

@davedumas1 - Any idea why these higher blip IDs don’t work when I try to use them? They’re just invisible. Yet I’ve noticed if I check out another script that uses them, such as Psycho’s vRP edit - they work. What do I need to do to get these to function properly?

Thanks in advance!

 local temp2 = AddBlipForCoord(X, Y, Z)
 SetBlipSprite(temp2, 476)

that dont work?

yes they are :slight_smile:
here is the code i use to cycle thru the blips

         playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), true)
	 coordsX= playerCoords.x
	 coordsY= playerCoords.y
	 coordsZ= playerCoords.z
         markType = 0
         markBlip = AddBlipForCoord(coordsX,coordsY,coordsZ)
while true do
-- if control "-" key is pressed then it subtract's 1 to markerType
	 if  IsControlJustPressed(0, 84) then
	  if markBlipType >0 then
	   markBlipType = markBlipType - 1			
-- if control "=" key is pressed then it adds 1 to markerType
	 if IsControlJustPressed(0, 83) then
	  if markBlipType <567 then
	   markBlipType = markBlipType + 1			
    SetBlipSprite(markBlip, markBlipType)

some of the blips are not visible

That’s correct. It appears that 476 loaded on my second restart of the resource but some like:

local blip = AddBlipForCoord(199.9, -1030.3, 28.6)
SetBlipSprite(blip, 477)
AddTextComponentString("Test Blip")

This blip doesn’t show, and more specifically ID 498 doesn’t. Yet, for some strange reason, it works fine in Psychorustle’s vRP edit. I try to use it and it never shows. Do they need to be loaded like models?

let me fire up my test server quick

what manifest are you using (shouldn’t matter though)

because i can get it working
use my tiny code there and use the “-” and “=” keys to change the blip

I don’t have a manifest declared in this specific script.

I did play around with your blip-a-ma-bob there and the vast majority of those higher-numbered blips are either just the plain white square or nothing at all. I am on the latest version of FX also.

Let me try a couple other things, because this is just boggling my mind.

use this

resource_manifest_version '44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937'

you can put this after the first bit

	while true do
  local position = "marker blip type: "..tostring(markBlipType)
  local offset = {x = 0.700, y = 0.1024}
  local rgb = {r = 25, g = 50, b = 220}
  local alpha = 255
  local scale = 0.2
  local font = 0
            SetTextColour(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, alpha)
		    SetTextScale(scale, scale)
			SetTextWrap(0.0, 1.0)
			SetTextDropshadow(2, 2, 0, 0, 0)
			SetTextEdge(1, 0, 0, 0, 205)
			DrawText(offset.x, offset.y)  

should post the blip id in the top right corner

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I grabbed another quick copy of the base resources for a vanilla copy and, naturally, the blip-a-ma-bob worked fine. I’m checking the manifest version now and I’ll go from there.

The assistance is much appreciated!

Update: Negative on the manifest. I guess I have something conflicting with blip sprites somewhere but I don’t have a clue where it could be. More investigation onward! Thanks again.

does anyone know the blip for the triangle projected from the police blip that represents their line of sight/vision? I have removed other police blips I can’t find the id of that blip on any database though. I need help! thank you