[Large Release] The Family RP Partial Source Code [C#]

This is a simply amazing release. Thank you for it.

Has anyone figured out how to open the emote or vech editor menu’s yet?

Also the cinematic mode sounds dreamy. How to activate it?

Some parts of the release, like the loading screen, are just drag and drop.

Other parts currently require C# skills to implement.

I intend to make as many features as possible plug and play going forward, though, starting with customization menus.

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Would you be able to provide the assemblys? I’d love to mess around with the code.

Wow this is a huge release for the community!

I understand. I’ll wait patiently for the smarter people than I to make these into resources. Again, THANK YOU for your contributions. This is truly legendary. <3

We’ve all helped people on forums before, contributed to the wiki, released cool things, so you can’t really say that. Not sure if it’s still the case as I haven’t been active since Christmas but it was always the idea to eventually release the whole FamilyRP source to the community for everyone to learn and perhaps improve on.

There has been a verbal agreement that anything you write is ‘yours’, so you can take it with you if you leave the project, or release it. So this is okay. It gets a bit complicated when multiple people work on the same functionality or when someone “rewrites” things, but this is fair enough.


Can you just give me the Server Files?


everyone the guys is making the files give him time or lear to code your self

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So because you have helped once, if you discover something important you are morally in the clear to keep that under wraps? This is what I understand if I do not take your words with a pinch of salt which I have no reason to take; as I do not know you.

That logic is really flawed, and I don’t think we need to argue. Here, because there are people like you who see it that way “we already helped, so we do not need to help on important things again.” But thus are people.

Also professing intent to release something and actually doing something are two very different things.

I am not really to argue about that. It is stupid. You have your opinion and I have mine. Which you won’t change from that. I had that discussion already twice, this would be then the third time.

Now how do I install this?

ImportantHippo, are you considering making some tutorials as well? Like if you are going to adapt some of this code for smaller, standalone releases, would you then maybe write tutorials explaining how things work?

Good tutorials is something the community would benefit greatly from imo so it would be great!

Elaborate please <3

As I don’t see how C# could be faster as to some scripting language that is directly imported by bytecode :smiley:



I would actually love to benchmark this when I get the opportunity, as I am curious myself. I am confident C# will be faster, but it may be by a much smaller margin.


I will be working on getting the menu framework including the customization menus etc. to you as a standalone resource sometime the coming two weeks.

I started at the GitHub link below. It currently builds, but I haven’t tested it in-game yet.

I want to add a number of features before I am happy with it, too.

You need to know C# to get it working like you want to right now.

As MsQuerade said, we Family Devs choose to release our own written code as we, as an individual, please. If we don’t, we don’t. If we do, great. What has released been released here is what he has written, therefore he has the right to release which is fine. Us as a development team respect his decision. In the sense of contribution to the FiveM community as a whole; yes we have not explicitly released the current build of code, but you as a community members see what we do have on our server, and you as a developer can 100% try and do it too. If you’re curious about how we went about a feature/more technical-orientated questions I’m sure one of us on the team can give our input. I know Timothy and Mooshe (two others on the dev team) are in contact with some other developers on other servers and have helped out in that sense too.

Also, Mooshe, has streamed working on server code and I’m sure if you popped into one of his streams he’d be able to answer stuff right then and there.

My point is if you’re curious about something, find the source of the content and ask questions. Granted, I’m not saying you’ll always get an answer, but we’re not trying to be completely unreachable with our content and us ourselves.

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How can I create a server with this gamemode? I mean steps by steps.

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This is not a gamemode. This is a little part of TFRP Source Code. As said above its only source code and some of it won’t work if thrown straight into a server. Have a look around in releases and find what you want.

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Can you add me on discord? Michael#4913

Love the Release Man, This is helping me a lot with playing around with C# and fivem.

Loaded System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 into ScriptDomain_1789981606 Loaded MySqlConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1789981606 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find the specified file. at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR (System.Int32 errorCode) [0x0000a] in <0123fd5b1a1040fe9d70a7e0d4b28acb>:0 at (wrapper cominterop) CitizenFX.Core.IScriptHost:OpenHostFile (string) at (wrapper cominterop-invoke) CitizenFX.Core.IScriptHost:OpenHostFile (string) at CitizenFX.Core.MonoScriptRuntime.LoadFile (System.String scriptFile) [0x00007] in C:\gl\builds\4ff63adb\0\cfx\fivem\code\client\clrcore\MonoScriptRuntime.cs:91 Failed to load script server/Server.net.dll.

Any ideea?