Is there an addon to vrp that lets cops see each other?

Does anyone know if there is an addon for fivem VRP that lets cops see other cops and possibly EMS? I cant find it anywhere… :frowning:
Thanks! :slight_smile:

I haven’t seen any releases that are vRP specific (may have missed it).

From what I’ve read, your best bet is to dissect the code from this release and find the functions that show moving player blips on the map: [Release] Cops FiveM

Once you’ve done that, the only real obstacle to getting it to work in vRP is to limit the function to only display users on the map who have the law enforcement groups:

if vRP.hasGroup(user_id, “police”) or vRP.hasGroup(user_id, “emergency”) then

as well as only showing those players to police and emergeency as well.

If done correctly, only EMS and Police will be shown as live player icons on the map, and only players within the EMS and Police group will see the blips.