Is it possible to play a custom sound e.g. purge sound throughout the server?

Hi, I am just wondering if I can create a custom mod for my server where it’ll play a custom track throughout the whole server. It’s intended to be a custom purge mod/event to host on my server?


And you get nothing but crickets lol

I linked you a resource that plays custom sounds. Found via search.

But how do u use it, have teried miultiple times and it does not work

It does work.

However it’s a dumb idea, because evil people can use it to play sounds too.

I haven’t got it to work and tried many thinga

Have you tried reading the very simple configuration instructions?

Grab your custom sound file in .ogg format, and drag it into InteractSound/client/html/sounds

Then open the __resource.lua for InteractSound and under the files table, add the path for your sound file with the .ogg at the end.


After that you can call it with a TriggerServerEvent() function at any time.

if IsControlJustReleased(0, 303) then
    TriggerServerEvent('InteractSound_SV:PlayOnSource', 'purge', 1.0)

This helps too:

For some reason, using custom .ogg files do not work. We had at least 6 custom ogg files in several resources that were working, and about 4 or 5 months ago, every .ogg file you load with the exception of the default demo.ogg file no longer load or play, with no errors in the console. Even tried updating the howler version in the .html file.

All of the .ogg’s were working at one point, then stopped working after a fivem update that happened about 5 months ago.

what button would i push to activate it

how do i make a key to make it to where a certain key makes the noise …and where do i do this

did u figure it out because i need help doing it