Integrate or add ability to use interop of TeamSpeak SDK

TeamSpeak has an amazing SDK with completed C# wrapper. It’s easy to develop and very useful for building any kind of voice interactions with mininal efforts: mobile phones, radios, walki-talkies, speakers, intercoms, etc. But obvious it can’t be used on the client side rigt now.

I understand that SDK licence may not allow to integrate it into FiveM but maybe there is a way to add a special method that will load the DLLs from the resource folder. With checking of the signature or MD5, for example. That would help to bring many of a great mods!

‘cost-effective licensing program’

yeah, no, we don’t have tens of thousands of dollars to pay for that.

also, we won’t add random whitelisting of people’s code for ‘hey this CAN access a full system’ especially without ability to audit said code for any security vulnerabilities in the API

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I understand, thank you for answer.

But to be more precise, it’s not just “random people’s code”. I believe almost all FiveM users already use TeamSpeak as standalone application. That’s just kind of embedded version of TeamSpeak Client which allow to not install it as a separated application.

About vulnerabilities in the API. I agree, that’s good point. I think it can be partialy solved by restricting API to very basic methods like “connect/disconnect, mute/unmute, push to talk”, everything else can be implemented on the server side.

Yes. Currently if you want teamspeak, the best solution I see is creating a plugin and a resource to communicate with each other, via pipes (if that actually works).

Furthermore you could guarantee that the rooms are Isolated by your fxserver providing a password key to the room and the clients by using the teamspeak query api.