In need of a Developer [LS50RP]

We are looking for a developer that can help make our server better. We are still new to five m and can do drag and drop modding but there is still some things we can’t quite get. If you are interested and/or want more information add me on discord

Postage Mailone#5227


Your discord does not work

Are you sure? I’ve had a few people add me

I just sent youy a FR on discord

Note: I used to Co own a server and was looking to start my own, but i decided not to due to money issues, But ill gladly become a developer for one

We are still in need of someone who has custom emergency vehicle skins and ELS. Please pm me or add me on discord if you are interested

We believe there already is topic for the LS50RP server, please continue in the already existing topic.

Server bazaar rules states that there should only be one topic for each server. This topic should contain all the information and details about your server (incl. advert itself, developer offers etc.).

You are allowed to bump your topic with reasonable time in between to bring your topic back on top of the server bazaar category.

You can edit the existing topic to suit your needs, however if this is not your topic, contact us via a direct message and we will come to a resolution.

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Thank you for your understanding! :mascot: