In-Game Tablet with Web Based CAD/MDT Support

Try embedding it. Google is probably blocking it or forcing a pop up that causing the crash.

How would I do that?

Thank you, I got it to work.

Updated the YouTube page to a better design.

I have not changed the name of the folder, and I get the resource can not be loaded error.

Make sure the tab folder thats in the folder you downloaded gets put in.

Hey! Yeah it is, I just copied and pasted.

Contact me on discord and I will screen share with you and help find your problem.

Im having an issue when I close the computer the mouse will not get off my screen anyone know how to fix that?

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Is there any way to disable that you can use a controller to open it, it is really irretating because when i change the camera it opens the tab, is there any way to disable that?

Did you change the name of the tab folder?

Yes I’ll post a method when I get to my computer.

Change line 59 in the client.lua to this

            if (IsControlJustPressed(0, 244)) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) then

Yes and I changed the Hotkey to X

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Well, it says not to change the folder name. Change the name back and it will work as intended.

How can I do that, I don’t have your link.

Look on the GitHub page. Apparently, it’s advertising if I post it here.


Im using In-Game Tablet with Web Based CAD/MDT Support 3,
now i did try to send the steam id trough the tab. When i do a alert(steamid) it does show my steamid,
But when the server started and i join the server it does not send my steamid unless i restart the tab.

Anyone could help me fix this issue?

What i want it to do is send the steam id trough the tablet on to the website. so i can save it in a session ( that part works) only sending the steam id by default without restarting the tab.

Send the id thru the client when the user opens the tablet is my best guess off the top of my head. I’m just waking up tho so that could be totally wrong.