In-Game Tablet with Web Based CAD/MDT Support

Hello, how to change destock icons in tab,i use actually and i want free icons like that : Don’t know how i can change it :smirk:
second request:
How i can add bank money system in tab,and how can sync in game to.
Sorry for language i’m french :sweat_smile:

Thanks for answer

Is it possible to maken this tablet come up from a specific location (meaning: when you are in a circle and need to press a butten) …
It’s like with the drugs mods… you need to stand in a circle and press E (or whatever butten that is assigned to it) to farm drugs…
I want to same for the tablet so only specific people with knowledge about this place can use the tablet…

Maybe also with a / command…

I cant seem to get my cad system to open up in the tablet. I coppied and pasted the url into the thing and nothing

It’s just changing line 24 of opencad.html and you’re done.

If it doesn’t work for you, you’ve either done that single step wrong or your CAD is incompatible with the Chrome browser the game is using to display it(highly unlikely).

Hey @schwim what Kind of app do you use in your tablet on the screen ?

It’s just a PHP web panel I’m writing, nothing special.

“nothing special” hahahaha ! Well. Thanks for your answer.

how does one link MDT? and why is open cad only for Elements club


Does anyone know how i can remove certain options/buttons like this
Notice: everything i highlighted in red is what i am trying to get rid of

Open CAD is not for element club i believe it is a software

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I commented out the things we didn’t want included in the __resource.lua:

files {

And also in the nui.html like this:

<!--<li data-title="News">
                            <a class="nav-myframe" href="html/news.html">
                                <i class="myicon material-icons">update</i>

Any way to modify the tablet body? to replace them like Ipad

Does anyone know how to make a item of this beautiful tablet?

I would like to change the Key Binding to open the tablet to O (like Ocean). I can not find a keyboard numbering configuration to tell me what key number this is. So can someone please help me and tell me what Key O (like Ocean) is?

Thank you in advance for your help.

O is not mapped ingame.

how can i use this with MDT?

Edit this line to point toward your web based CAD or MDT.

yes but if i open the tablet and choose cad there is only a white screen

Well, since you chose not to share your edit so we could see if it was done incorrectly, I can only assume that’s what happened.