How to use scaleforms!

This is actually what I came up to and this is actually it. I am happy, thank you.

I will update my code when I get home to what havoc did :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, share your findings and cool scaleforms! This is a goldmine.

I’m sure he’ll update it on there as well :wink:

Sure, I hope. But there’s “he”, and there’s “us”, as a community.
I hope :wink:

If anyone ever gets the MISSION_COMPLETE stuff looking nicer than what I tried here, please share.
For anyone trying to figure out the phone scaleform, thersy’s done some amazing work and there’s a topic on GTAForums as well.

Let me also plug Supa’s gfx wrapper, similar to the C# api for gfx.

Holy, the lord himself has spoken. But I definitely will check that out, as I’ve seen it before and it definitely has some really neat uses. If I ever get it working it will definitely be on my page :smile:

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Alibaba cave’s here :

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A list of scaleforms can be found here, instead of looking through the folders:

thanks to @Vespura

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Hello guys !

I try different way but i can’t stop display the scaleform, do you have any idea please ?

    	function drawscaleform(scaleform)
        	scaleform = RequestScaleformMovie(scaleform)
        	while not HasScaleformMovieLoaded(scaleform) do
        		PushScaleformMovieFunction(scaleform, "SHOW_WASTED_MP_MESSAGE")
        		PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterString("NEXT MISSION ?")
        		PushScaleformMovieFunctionParameterString("ARE YOU SURE ?")

        		DrawScaleformMovieFullscreen(scaleform, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0)
    	    while true do

Because you’re using while true do Which is an infinite loop

I’m so low ! Thanks you



@Disquse :open_mouth: Which one is that

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mugshot_board_01 with SET_BOARD function

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How correctly use DRAW_SCALEFORM_MOVIE_3D
Alway return error with Nil value. I expect what this Native will draw scaleform on map, am i right?

I got it to work, kinda, it was a pain in the ass and even at that i didnt get it working exactly how i wanted it, so not sure about that

Hmm, can u show how u did it?

I dont have the resource anymore, just wrote over it long ago.

Bro thats amazing, I’m just now learning about scaleforms, please share that billboard? I could see so many opportunities with it