[How to] Use JOB HUD

If you want use an image for each job, use this:

window.onload = function(e){
            window.addEventListener('message', function(event){
                if(event.data.updateJob == true) {
                    if(event.data.job == 'Aucun') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier1.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier2.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier3.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier4.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier5.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier6.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier7.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier8.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
1 Like

I create a hud file and I put it in?

Can you give me the script to download because I understand nothing. Thanks guy I really need his. Thank you very much

Put in the ui.html of this script

The job appear in the middle of my screen…
Can you send the ui.html for us pls ?

Change the top value of container in 170 or 180


Dou you have change the .container top value?

.container {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 170;
right: 40;
width: 800px;
height: 200px;

Ok and i create a folder with client.lua with its:

AddEventHandler(‘jobssystem:updateJob’, function(nameJob)
local id = PlayerId()
local playerName = GetPlayerName(id)
updateJob = true,
job = nameJob,
player = playerName

and another server.lua with its:

AddEventHandler(‘jobssystem:jobs’, function(id)
TriggerEvent(‘es:getPlayerFromId’, source, function(user)
local player = user.identifier
local nameJob = nameJob(id)
updatejob(player, id)
TriggerClientEvent(“es_freeroam:notify”, source, “CHAR_MP_STRIPCLUB_PR”, 1, “Mairie”, false, "Votre métier est maintenant : "… nameJob)

This is good?

No. Put in the jobsystem

Ok tanks dude I will test

I have little problem xd : http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=652676probleme.png

You need to put the “window.onload” stuff in script tags.


window.onload = function(e){


On my code there is already this

Well, your screenshot shows that you’re missing the script tags…

I will test thanks you

This is my code And it still does me :

window.onload = function(e){
            window.addEventListener('message', function(event){
                if(event.data.updateJob == true) {
                    if(event.data.job == Joaillier') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="12"><img id="Icon_Job_1" src="https://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/553823IconJob1.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier2.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier3.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier4.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier5.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier6.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier7.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')
                    if(event.data.job == 'Votre Métier Ici') {
                        $('.job').html('<p id="job"><img id="icon" src="http://monsite.net/job-icon-metier8.png" alt=""/>' +addCommas(event.data.job)+'</p>')

First of all,

Should be (note the extra quote).

if(event.data.job == 'Joaillier')

If this inside the ui.html file? If so, that’s not everything. You need to add this with the current code inside it. Something like (You still need to have the <body> tags)

		function addCommas(nStr) {
			nStr += '';
			var x = nStr.split('.');
			var x1 = x[0];
			var x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
			var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
			while (rgx.test(x1)) {
				x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + '<span style="margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;"/>' + '$2');
			return x1 + x2;

		window.onload = function(e){
			// Code here
<!-- style tags go here -->
	<div class="container">
		<div class="job">

This code is put in job / client.lua?

AddEventHandler('jobssystem:updateJob', function(nameJob)
local id = PlayerId()
local playerName = GetPlayerName(id)
updateJob = true,
job = nameJob,
player = playerName