How to unban someone from my server?

Hey I did ban some people from my server with es_admin2 and now im having trouble unbanning them. My friend told me there should be a text file “bans.txt” in es_admin2 folder but there wasn’t any file called bans.txt there. I have searched everywhere and can’t still know how to unban them. Please help!


The location for the bans.txt is here:


Thats what my friend told me too, but the “data” folder is empty.


Try opening your server config (e.g server.cfg) and putting a # before start es_admin2 and start essentialmode then let the people try to join and see if they are still banned.


Okay but es_admin2 and essentialmode will still work as it should do? and there is only like 2-3 people I want to unban not all of them, but i’ll stil l try it

If I do this and someone that should get banned again comes in can I just ban him and he won’t login again?


No adding a # before start es_admin2 and essentialmode will disable them. After you try to see if they are banned or not all you have to do is remove the #'s and essentialmode and es_admin2 will work as they should.

But If i put a “#” before and they can login, should I then remove the # and restart and they can still join?

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Yeah, Putting a # Will disable the resource until you remove the #

Tell me if he is still banned after disabling es_admin2 and essentialmode

But they can still join after I removed the # again?

I’m not sure. I just want to see if they are still banned without es_admin2 and essentialmode

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Ok I will test now, stand by

I put # before essentialmode and es_admin2 and now they can login. But I need to turn the plugins on again how do I do so the banned people can login again.


I don’t use essential mode but try to remove the #'s and open the server-data folder (e.g D:\FiveMServer\server-data) and you should see a folder named cache open that and then files and go to es_admin2 and try delete the data folder from there then restart. If that doesn’t work it’s most likely banned on the database.


I will try, thank you!


Let me know how it goes


Im in /cache/es_admin2 the only thing I can see is resource.rpf, what do I do?


Go back to the cache folder and delete es_admin2 and then restart

okey, and I removed the # again but im trying now.

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Ok, make sure the server is restarted when trying

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I removed it from cache. It did not work, there is no bans.txt file in data plus the es_admin2 just recreated in cache with the same file resource.rpf and the players are not unbanned