[How-to] Stream custom clothes

how ?

Send PM to me i will help you :slight_smile:

If this feature is still locked only for people who support project something must be wrong with this feature.

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I did it, but thanks anyway for the attention and intent to help me!

Hi Mister,
I bought Element Argentum and Iā€™d like to customize policrjob clothes of my fivem server.
Could I custom with component ped element ? Is it freemode ped?
Could you help me, please?

PM me and i will explain you all what you want :slight_smile:

how about helmet ?

hi, thanks for your tutorial!
is it possible to convert offline clothes to freemode ?

It is, but they wouldnt work very well, because you are going to replace MP clothes and the offline ones doesnt have the same physics as the mp ped

hmmm oh ok, and can i edit the physic ?

If the model in 3d is unlocked, yes you can apply it with the zmodeler 3

Thank for the tuto :wink:

Hey everyone!
I try to stream hairs and any clotches but is not working.
i need help to stream hairs.

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@zee Are you sure? Thankā€¦

Iā€™m 100% certain.

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My question (even though it may have been answered i just canā€™t find it anywhere) is how to get my custom jackets to show up in the store or EUP menu. Yes we are patron members. Yes we have the EUP menu working. I am trying to add The Lost MC jackets and make them purchasable from the clothing shops. I have streamed them with a stream folder and a __resouce.lua as well as i added them to the EUP stream folder to try that. files have been renamed to mp_m_freemode_01^uppr_diff_022_a_uni.ytd. I really could use some help on this pleaseā€¦

Thank you

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Is it still Patreon only feature ?

Yes it is!

We are members. but i still canā€™t get my jackets into the shops. I have searched and searched and just canā€™t find a way. I know it is possible because i have seen other servers do it