How to load a YMAP

Hello, I have a YMAP but I dont know how to load it in game, can someone help me please ?
I have create a folder named map, and placed my YMAP in it, but what I have to write in __resource.lua ?

Just take that file and put in a stream folder. Then do a __resource.lua file and put: resource_manifest_version ‘44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937’
this_is_a_map ‘yes’
Then you good to go! :slight_smile:

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Thank you, denk133777 <3

after i did still i dont have courthouse interior inside ;(

I do this and it cannot run the resource

What is stopping you?

When I try to connect it tells me I cannot load it.

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same, maybe you’ve got a fix?


These days you do a fxmanifest.lua file and put the latest manifest name in it. Look at: Resource manifest - Docs

Then you also place " this_is_a_map ‘yes’ " in it.