How to get Steam ID by Code?

Hey guys,

I want to register some character attributes to a database (things like money, cars and so on)
I thought a good way is doing it by getting his steam ID. How do i do that / whats the command to get a players steam id?

If there is no good way to do it, what do you think how I could save data of players the best way?

You can use GetPlayerIdentifiers(…)
It returns a table with every identifiers in it (license, steam, discord …).
Use it server side with source in its arguments.

I looked for an example, I found one, but in this there are 3 IDs, SteamID, license and ip
Is there a way to use only the steam id ?
I dont want 3 lines in my mysql table only for know which player it is

This how I use it in my server:

function ExtractIdentifiers()
    local identifiers = {
        steam = "",
        ip = "",
        discord = "",
        license = "",
        xbl = "",
        live = ""

    --Loop over all identifiers
    for i = 0, GetNumPlayerIdentifiers(source) - 1 do
        local id = GetPlayerIdentifier(source, i)

        --Convert it to a nice table.
        if string.find(id, "steam") then
            identifiers.steam = id
        elseif string.find(id, "ip") then
            identifiers.ip = id
        elseif string.find(id, "discord") then
            identifiers.discord = id
        elseif string.find(id, "license") then
            identifiers.license = id
        elseif string.find(id, "xbl") then
            identifiers.xbl = id
        elseif string.find(id, "live") then
   = id

    return identifiers

-- Usage:

local identifiers = ExtractIdentifiers()
local steam = identifiers.steam

Maybe not ideal, fastest or most convenient way of doing this, but it works.
Do not that if a identifier is not present, it will becomed "" aka an empty string.

Maybe noteworthy, there are also plans to extract a specific identifiers via a native. No sure how far that has progressed or it would be implemented soon.


So this is the way how you print it in your mySQL database right?
Im new to mySQL, sorry if this might be a dumb question

Uhm no, this just converts it to a convenient table.

and the print method will show it in the console then?

Correct. It will be empty is steam is not present.

when i use your code it shows me error for “GetNumPlayerIdentifiers(source)”

What is the error? Ensure that you are using this server-side also.

also you could just store it in a json file couldn’t you?

Error loading script server.lua in resource meinmod: Execution of native 00000000ff7f66ab in script host failed.
stack traceback:
[C]: in upvalue ‘_in’
citizen:/scripting/lua/natives_server.lua:150: in function ‘GetNumPlayerIdentifiers’
server.lua:12: in function ‘ExtractIdentifiers’
server.lua:36: in main chunk
Failed to load script server.lua.

This is what my console said

yeah i seem to be receiving the same issue

InvokeNatcfx> ive: execution failed: Argument at index 0 was null.
Error loading script server.lua in resource get_ids: Execution of native 00000000ff7f66ab in script host failed.
stack traceback:
        [C]: in upvalue '_in'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/natives_server.lua:150: in function 'GetNumPlayerIdentifiers'
        server.lua:15: in function 'ExtractIdentifiers'
        server.lua:39: in main chunk
Failed to load script server.lua.
Started resource get_ids

Make sure you run this function on the server, native definitely exists:

i put this in server.lua and this is what i got in my __resource.lua:
server_script ‘server.lua’
so this should be serversided

I see what happened, you must put it in an event, otherwise source is nil.

This is how I use it:

AddEventHandler("tp-identity:request_id", function()
    local ids = ExtractIdentifiers()
    local identity = FetchIdentity(ids)

    --...Rest of server authentication code...
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ah now it is working :smiley: for me at least now to make it insert to a json file

@rhys19 Easy as this:

SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "id.json",  json.encode(ExtractIdentifiers()), -1)
1 Like

it’s not wanting to print my steam id or anything it just wants to stay empty but it does do this



LoadResourceFile("server_ids", "data/identifiers.json")

function ExtractIdentifiers()
    local identifiers = {
        steam = "",
        ip = "",
        discord = "",
        license = "",
        xbl = "",
        live = ""

    --Loop over all identifiers
    for i = 0, GetNumPlayerIdentifiers(source) - 1 do
        local id = GetPlayerIdentifier(source, i)

        --Convert it to a nice table.
        if string.find(id, "steam") then
            identifiers.steam = id
        elseif string.find(id, "ip") then
            identifiers.ip = id
        elseif string.find(id, "discord") then
            identifiers.discord = id
        elseif string.find(id, "license") then
            identifiers.license = id
        elseif string.find(id, "xbl") then
            identifiers.xbl = id
        elseif string.find(id, "live") then
   = id

    return identifiers

-- Usage:

RegisterCommand("printids", function()
LoadResourceFile("server_ids", "data/identifiers.json")
AddEventHandler("rhys19:request_id", function()
local identifiers = ExtractIdentifiers()
local steam = identifiers.steam
SaveResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "data/identifiers.json",  json.encode(ExtractIdentifiers()), -1)
print("Saved Steam Identifier to data/identifiers.json")