[How-to][Essential mode] Money System

I don’t think that i said something wrong, or didn’t insult you.
It looks like you are just pissed because you don’t get the answers you want… and btw acting like this will not help you for getting the right answers.

im not piss i was asking a simple quesion anyway no more time to waste here

How you have money amount top of right pls ? :slight_smile:Thanks

AddEventHandler('es:playerLoaded', function(source)
    TriggerEvent('es:getPlayerFromId', source, function(user)
        TriggerClientEvent('es:activateMoney', source, user.money)

This is the code I use, most likely out of date with the new essentialmode

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The money is in £ and not $ why ? Thanks

EDIT : Problem solved in UI.html, but another why for change it ?

This is just how the script creator made it using £ instead of $

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You can change the currency to $ in the UI.html file.

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Thx for answer , do you know how we can insert a image ? thx

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Hi, I pass you the store 0.1.2 that I find on google.

Link : https://github.com/blattersturm/FiveM-Stores/tree/dev

This has nothing todo with the current topic…,
Also it was deleted for a reason…

what can i do ? :neutral_face:

Connect witch steam ?

for serverside ? Oo ?

Post you config.lua here minus any MySQL logins

Why can not I connect to the server? The loading is indeterminate

This is totally unrelated to this Tutorial, search the forums for your issue and if you don’t find anything(Which I know you will find something) create a new topic to get help.

Aborted connection 6 to db: ‘unconnected’ user: ‘root’ host: ‘localhost’ (Got timeout reading communication packets)

what it means ? my server crash every day…

With the new essential mode,where would I put this code? having issues find the server.lua file

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