[How-To] Add dirty money into "old" ES mode

Ok, just this and the other files from this post?

Yes :smiley:

Ok, thanks you very much man :wink:

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To display the money with es_f.reeroam just modify the function AddEventHandler(‘es:playerLoaded’, function(source) in es_f.reeroam/server.lua :

AddEventHandler('es:playerLoaded', function(source)
	-- Get the players money amount
	TriggerEvent("es:getPlayerFromId", source, function(user)
	TriggerClientEvent('es:activatedirtyMoney', source, user.dirty_money)

Result In Game :

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I may forgot that part… I will check and fix it.

@Skkill I also have es_roleplay and now I have nothing at all that is displayed, in ui.html you have to add the code or replace it ? thx :slight_smile:

… use your brain !!!

a add a simple line

TriggerClientEvent('es:activatedirtyMoney', source, user.dirty_money)

After this

TriggerClientEvent('es:activateMoney', source, user.money)

Just replace the function

yes i ADD this but Step 4 Add this or remplace ?

really, really good but how to link the dirty money to the illegal activities?

My es_f.reeroam-master folder:
es_freeroam-master.rar (35.4 KB)

I already have es freeroam, what do you mean?

It’s my complete file with dirty money, you can go in this one, and check how I have modified the server.lua file :slight_smile:

Thank you Ciwiel :slight_smile: ! :wink:

Hi how can i do to make an object detected like illegal !

I have that issue, someone can help me ? And my bank icon disappeared

me too bank icone disappeared

It’s because you use a script for money and freeroam

yes I use simple banking but normally I have that like @Ciwiel

If you have my folder, I don’t know why it doesn’t work