How to add a "typing" label of the players head when they are typing in chat

I am using this script [No longer Updating] [Re-Release] ID Over-head Version 1.1 and I have tried testing my own code that i made and it shows it for a second but its on the other player when I press “t”

                    if not (ignorePlayerNameDistance) then
						if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(id) then
							DrawText3D(x2, y2, z2+1, "~w~Talking...~n~" .. GetPlayerServerId(id) .. "  |  " .. string.sub(GetPlayerName(id), 1, 32))
						elseif IsControlJustPressed(0, 245) then
							DrawText3D(x2, y2, z2+1, "~w~Typing...~n~" .. GetPlayerServerId(id) .. "  |  " .. string.sub(GetPlayerName(id), 1, 32))
							DrawText3D(x2, y2, z2+1, "~w~" .. GetPlayerServerId(id) .. "  |  " .. string.sub(GetPlayerName(id), 1, 32))

Youll need to modify the chat resource to have maybe an event or a variable for whenever the chat is open most likely

How would I do this.

Bump for maybe finish