[How-to] Adapt your script to OneSync and fix your issues

I have a linux gameserver in zap-hosting, i wanna active OneSync, how i can activate?
where i need put
onesync_enabled 1

a fix for what?

I don’t know ZAP
in your something.cfg?

I talked to zap-hosting support and they told me that I should expand to more than 32 slots. I only manage the Windows platform but with Linux I don’t have much comfort, it was a help for me. I could solve. Thank you.

The sound being absolutely trash? It sounds like we’re talking on Discord.

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Do you have an opinion on new orders available in cookbook?

onesync_distanceCullVehicles true


onesync_forceMigration true

Sometimes players can’t see each other ,But can give items,If you use tp, you will be sent to Michael.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thank

Hi, I have problems with my gcphone, I previously had the server in 32 slots, now go to 64slots with the onesync prototipe version and the alerts on this phone no longer work for me, any solution?

hello is there any version that works the alterations in onesync prototype? I had a version but when I changed from 32 stots to 64 the alerts stopped working and everything else was fine


i=0,31 or i=1,32
i=0,255 or i=1,256

or… the recommended method:

for _, player in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do
    -- do shit

this recommended even i dont use onesync ?


i got issue when i enable onesync where all player blips in map became black and scoreboard not working. The blips supposed to have different colour for each person. and for ur information. this happen only enable onesync no matter what the max player i put. which right now i run on 40 slots.
playername black

Here the blips code

function GetPlayers()
	local players = {}

	for _, player in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do
		if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) then
			table.insert(players, i)

	return players

	local blips = {}
	local currentPlayer = PlayerId()

	while true do

		local players = GetPlayers()

		for _, player in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do
			if player ~= currentPlayer and NetworkIsPlayerActive(player) then
				local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(player)
				local playerName = GetPlayerName(player)


				local new_blip = AddBlipForEntity(playerPed)

				-- Add player name to blip
				SetBlipNameToPlayerName(new_blip, player)

				-- Make blip white
				SetBlipColour(new_blip, player + 10)

				-- Enable text on blip
				SetBlipCategory(new_blip, 2)

				-- Set the blip to shrink when not on the minimap
				-- Citizen.InvokeNative(0x2B6D467DAB714E8D, new_blip, true)

				-- Shrink player blips slightly
				SetBlipScale(new_blip, 0.9)

				-- Add nametags above head
				Citizen.InvokeNative(0xBFEFE3321A3F5015, playerPed, playerName, false, false, '', false)

				-- Record blip so we don't keep recreating it
				blips[player] = new_blip

ohh. and already change the rcon log too

Having a condition for NetworkIsPlayerActive() when using GetActivePlayers() is redundant. Also, you’re calling GetPlayers(), but you’re never using it.

I cant see on my server 50% of people (128 slots) they are invisible to me!

So, you figured you post on a topic which clearly isn’t for asking for OneSync support, coming with zero useful information to get you any support at all. What’s your pupose exactly?

I have an vrp server and it works good after i put onesync some player get an error that can use the blips someone know how to solve?

You should put SetEntityLocallyInvisible and SetEntityLocallyVisible into the loop and they will work perfectly :slight_smile: