How native team functions works?

How can I manage which team members can shoot other team members? For example this native: SetPedCanBeTargettedByTeam.

Not that native.

In fact, not teams at all.

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Thx already noticed this. Btw I want cars to be locked for one ground and unlocked for another. How can I do this with groups? Also SetPlayerTeam seems not working because GetPlayerTeam always returns -1

This SetPedRelationshipGroupHash doesn’t work. Relationship of person is always 0.

I’ve spent a whole day for this stuff and I just can’t understand how does it works?

AddEventHandler('team_system:getTeamClient', function (group)
	if DoesGroupExist(group) == true then
		print('Group exists')

AddEventHandler('team_system:setTeamClient', function ()
	local group = CreateGroup()
	print('Group created: ' .. group)
	SetPedAsGroupMember(GetPlayerPed(-1), group)
	if DoesGroupExist(group) == false then
		print('Wtf how that works')

When I am creating group I receive id of it and it is 1. When I want to check does this group exist it says no and when I am trying to create it again it wtill says that 'hm ok seems there is no groups so I will create group with id 1). Wtf how dat shit works? I’ve also being trying to make person a leader and not a member if group doesn’t have leader but still it doesn’t work. I need teams for my script. SetTeam and GetTeam doesn’t work too at all. Relationship groups works very strange and I can’t understand how to use it because when players in same relationship crosshair is still red and not netural or green.

Why did you make a new topic when you already have one with this same topic?

It is not the same in everything

Groups are to make AI peds follow another ped.

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Thanks. What about Teams then?

Please don’t make more than 1 topic next time. It is pretty similar enough, really.

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Ok. I am sorry really. Just delete the old one.

P.s. I figured out that SetTeam works only for numbers 0-15. But SetVehicleDoorsLockedForTeam still doesn’t work.

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Hi I made this for my script and it works for player and peds

local config = {
        IsFreeze = false,
        PedHash = "U_M_M_JewelSec_01",
        PedType = 1,
        PedCoords = { x = 3941.349, y = -4688.394, z = 4.183 },
        MaxHealth = 100000,
        GroupName = "group1", -- Replace with a unique group name
        Weapon = "WEAPON_PISTOL",
        IsAfraid = false,
        Helpers = {
                HelperModel = "A_M_O_KTown_01",
                HelperCoords = { x = -2.0, y = 0.0, z = -1.0 },
                HelperHealth = 50000,
                HelperWeapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE"
                HelperModel = "A_M_O_SouCent_03",
                HelperCoords = { x = 0.0, y = -2.0, z = -1.0 },
                HelperHealth = 60000,
                HelperWeapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE"
            -- Add more helpers as needed
        IsFreeze = false,
        PedHash = "A_M_M_SouCent_01",
        PedType = 1,
        PedCoords = { x = 3970.533, y =-4686.163, z = 4.184 },
        MaxHealth = 100000,
        GroupName = "group2", -- Replace with another unique group name
        Weapon = "WEAPON_PISTOL",
        IsAfraid = false,
        Helpers = {
                HelperModel = "A_M_M_StudioParty_01",
                HelperCoords = { x = -2.0, y = 0.0, z = -1.0 },
                HelperHealth = 50000,
                HelperWeapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE"
                HelperModel = "A_M_M_Tramp_01",
                HelperCoords = { x = 0.0, y = -2.0, z = -1.0 },
                HelperHealth = 60000,
                HelperWeapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE"
            -- Add helpers for the second ped configuration as needed
    -- Add more ped configurations as needed

    for _, pedData in ipairs(config) do
        if pedData.GroupName then

        while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(pedData.PedHash)) do

        local ped = CreatePed(pedData.PedType, GetHashKey(pedData.PedHash), pedData.PedCoords.x, pedData.PedCoords.y, pedData.PedCoords.z, 38.766, false, true)
        FreezeEntityPosition(ped, pedData.IsFreeze)

        -- Set ped health
        SetEntityMaxHealth(ped, pedData.MaxHealth)
        SetEntityHealth(ped, pedData.MaxHealth)

        TaskWanderStandard(ped, 1.0, 10)

        if pedData.Weapon then
            GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey(pedData.Weapon), 1000, false, true)

        if not pedData.IsAfraid then
            SetPedRelationshipGroupHash(ped, pedData.GroupName)
            SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 46, true) -- Enable combat mode
            SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 5, false) -- Disable can attack friendly mode
            SetPedCombatRange(ped, 2) -- Set combat range to melee
            TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(-1)) -- Make the ped attack the player

        -- Spawn helpers
        if pedData.Helpers and #pedData.Helpers > 0 then
            for _, helperData in ipairs(pedData.Helpers) do
                while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(helperData.HelperModel)) do

                local helperCoords = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(ped, helperData.HelperCoords.x, helperData.HelperCoords.y, helperData.HelperCoords.z)
                local helper = CreatePed(pedData.PedType, GetHashKey(helperData.HelperModel), helperCoords.x, helperCoords.y, helperCoords.z, 38.766, false, true)
                FreezeEntityPosition(helper, pedData.IsFreeze)

                -- Set helper health
                SetEntityMaxHealth(helper, helperData.HelperHealth)
                SetEntityHealth(helper, helperData.HelperHealth)

                SetPedRelationshipGroupHash(helper, pedData.GroupName)
                SetPedCombatAttributes(helper, 46, true) -- Enable combat mode
                SetPedCombatAttributes(helper, 5, false) -- Disable can attack friendly mode
                SetPedCombatRange(helper, 2) -- Set combat range to melee
                TaskCombatPed(helper, GetPlayerPed(-1)) -- Make the helper attack the player

                if helperData.HelperWeapon then
                    GiveWeaponToPed(helper, GetHashKey(helperData.HelperWeapon), 1000, false, true)

i don’t know if you are still making the server :slight_smile: