How do i Remove this command

Hey,how do i remove this command

Remove what command?

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The Commands:

Just in general how do i remove commands, since New players can give themself Roles.

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The noclip command? If I remember that’s part of es_admin

Edit those commands should not be accessible to new players or you did something wrong

My advice is to not let new players give themselves roles. That’s sort of anarchy. You need to control your community and letting anyone be superadmin isn’t that. Rather than removing commands (since they’re there for a purpose like for your admins) I would look at locking down the roles so people can only be users and leaving the admin commands to the admins.

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I Know, that’s what i’m Currently Trying to solve. That’s why i made this Post.

They can access the full panel i believe but shouldn’t be able to give money or set groups… unless you have messed with es_admin allowing them to.

Make sure when a player joins the permissions tab in the database is set to 0 i think it is.

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I’ve Tested it on another Steam account and it seems that those commands are not working and visible to New users. I’ll Make sure to Reply to you guys if i see the Fail again.

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