How do I install scripthook V on client side?

So, I need help installing scripthook V scripts on FiveM (client side), because when I try to install scripthook V mods it doesnt work on my server (ScripthookV is enabled in the server settings). So, I wanted to know if there is a guide of installing scripthook V mods (client side).

I want to install the “shield mod”:
and the “Vigilante”: mod

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You don’t need, FiveM has scripthook v integrated, so just add the .asi’s into your FiveM/Application Data/Plugins
if the folder doesn’t exist create it.

Just saying these mods will not work on servers without the addons.


I have already .asi files installed and they work, but what about .dll files?

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Don’t think they work. I don’t know about .dll

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