Home hosted

could people join a home hosted server. i saw some videos on youtube and i just wanting to kown

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People can join a server anywhere as long as is it setup properly and the ports are forwarded.


thanks, might set up my server

i home host you just have to set it up right

You’ll just need to make sure the ip and port is accessible from outside.

Mine says it is required to be on a VPS/Dedicated Server everytime me and my friends try to join… There a way around that? The key is set for “Home hosted” and it’s hosted on my laptop.

The error saying it is blocked? E-mail pr@fivem.net with your IP and stuff to have it fixed. I would suggest sending them a screenshot of ipconfig in your cmd to prove it is your home.

Aight, thank you! I’ll email and see what happens.

can you help me with that

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