(HELP) Stuck on loading screen

Steam Verison

I’m also using AMD drivers.

I’m like 70% sure the issue is updating my Social Club from to but I don’t know how to do that within the Five Reborn download…

http://prntscr.com/c9ls6w - Another error!

http://prntscr.com/c89c19 - I’m also getting this sometimes ( error )

http://prntscr.com/c7wgsa - I think the issue is that I need the updated verison of Social Club… but I don’t know how to update it.

http://prntscr.com/c89dle - This is what the Social Club loading screen says in the bottom right hand corner.

When I double click the “FiveReborn” to launch it just opens up the Social Club loading screen and never loads.

Same here. Any Help?

Did you verify your game files?

Did you try run as admin?

Did you try run as admin + compatibility mode set to win 8

Same here

@Boss Yes.