[HELP]Server wont directconnect

So i have been running fxserver for awhile now and now it sometimes decidedes to not work and the other times work

and it always acts like its not online localhost button doesnt work no errors in console and i cant directconnect to my ip.

and it wont let other people connect either i hope someone can help me

Things I’ve tried:
disabling anti-virus
Reboot my pc
Reboot the server (tried it to million times)
Reinstall the server
none of those helped

any help would be appreciated

moved it to technical support as i selected wrong category

idk if my server has been blacklisted cause i have done nothing to get it blacklisted and it also has never showed up in the list even the old cfx before fx came out never showed in the list

Fill out the support template so people can better help you.

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