[HELP PLS] esx_lscustom unaccurate price!

ok. so esx_lscustom price are not accurate for some cars. i have 2 dealership with sell different cars. so i thought that was the problem but it was not. i know cause i have tested different cars from those dealer. so here the problem

config calc price

as you can see, the first image show the formula, but why does it not accurate? where did these value from last pic come from? anyone can help me?

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the price is come from here, try edit it, the price is 50000x from car price

esx_lscustom\client\main.lua [LINE 71]

if data.current.label == _U('by_default') or string.match(data.current.label, _U('installed')) then
					ESX.ShowNotification(_U('already_own', data.current.label))
					local vehiclePrice = 50000 ---<PRICE

sorry my english is bad

The guy above is correct,

Price = {xx,xx,xx,xx,xx) are % of the car price to keep scaling. If you want these to be all the same prices you need to modify the script where it does the calculation so these can be set at.

Where Can I find this script? And how to do same prices for all cars?

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