[HELP] Hunger and Thirst script plz

But you need to eat and drink only at shop, you cant transport food and your drink with you.


bdd for save hungry and thirst ? just save food and thirst in client script dont use bdd is not optimised
juste function with citizenwait for lost hungry and thirst :wink:

Go see server failyV on youtube, there are two bars for hunger and thirst

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you fr ?

script failyv is rotten voice activation for donate item lol juste dev is failyv is noob im create better system with distance beetween player.

ps : I am the only one to possess a vehicle inventory (i’m boss ) :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice mentality, tell us why you’re here except for showing your ego.

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for this post and help the true develloper :wink:

i have one too, ur not alone, bye

my system is optimised is not vodk inventory :stuck_out_tongue:

im screen and you ?

you are using string on your database to store items

what the fuck

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yes for optimise database i’m use function in my code for decompose results in tab and reorder item with function

function orderitem(tableau)

	local test
		local i = 1
	    while tableau[i] do
	    	if i == 1 then
	    		test = tostring(tableau[i])

	    		test = tostring(test.. "," ..tableau[i])
	      i = i + 1
	    return test


I work on it :slight_smile:


Plz can you share it ? we can help you maybe…

I create that client side, I have a problem with the server side.
I have never coded my life so it’s complicated.
I would share it once finished

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ok g o od luck man … bye

Oh super tells me when you finish the script and yes i am french

Does anyone try to adapt this script to vdk inventory?

I block the retrieval of variables on the mysql database:

local calories = 
local waterdrops = 
local wc = 

TriggerEvent('gabs:addcustomneeds', source, calories, waterdrops, wc)

Server script finished but to redo because does not go down.

If you need any help to test thing out , i’m here.

the script is in the serveur side ?

@DictateurFou Nice screen and beautiful :slight_smile: