[Help] gunsmith on the server

Hi, I have added the gunsmith as a job, it works like this, I take the gunpowder that I created inside item_transformers.lua and then the iron added in Items.lua. I would like to know that I am using the base of the Dunko vRP 6.5 how can I make a weapon with the materials that I say for example 250 Iron and 100 Gunpowder?
That if I insert in the final product [“Assaultrifle body”] = 1 in game does not give me anything.

what is the right command to give to the product in order to put in the case “Assaultrifle body” in this case and then equip the weapon?

Thank you :slight_smile:

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name=“LAB ARMAIOLO”, – menu name
permissions = {“Gunsmith.weapons”}, – you can add permissions
r=255,g=125,b=0, – color
x=1091.2406005859, y=-3196.6677246094, z=-38.993465423584,
radius=2, height=1.0, – area
recipes = {
[“AK 47”] = { – action name
description=“Fai AK 47.”, – action description
in_money=600, – money taken per unit
out_money=0, – money earned per unit
[“Ferro”] = 300
}, – items taken per unit
[“Assaulterifle body”] = 1
}, – items given per unit
aptitudes={} – optional