[Help] GetCurrentWeatherType

Hey, I’m trying to access some world variables and native functions and I can’t seem to get this to work. Is this one of those functions that doesn’t work at all?


I think it’s GetPrevWeatherType(), there is no GetCurrentWeatherType()

Beware while using this… it’s only Client side. For Server side you need much more work.

I know, I was already programming the scripts for it to work with a simple command, but it wouldn’t get the current weather or set to the weather I want either. Is there a SetWeatherType or a function like that?

@dacheezypuffs Yes check here: http://www.dev-c.com/nativedb/

void SET_WEATHER_TYPE_NOW(char *weatherType)

void _SET_WEATHER_TYPE_OVER_TIME(char *weatherType, float time)

@Trust37 Nope wont work currently these native’s are buggy
You only could use SetOverrideWeather(WeatherID)