[HELP] First Join Cutscene

the intro is not a cutscene, but some camera transition
the plane scene is indeed a cutscene but we cannot load cutscenes on fivem through lua/c#/js yet

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I think Vespura or Tea made one. Not like that but it could give you ideas… Search in #development:releases

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Oh. :confused:

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If we can’t load cutscene how a server named restless paradise make a cutscene with plane

dude don’t confound cutscene and spawning a plane with some cam stuff it is not the same things
watch it https://youtu.be/GDIPhqi9H90?t=64

Yeah but the plane is landing at the end of the restless paradise script ? can we make a pre made route for the plane so the plane land ?

Use tasks
You can also use a released script: FiveM Airports

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thx will try it

I have already reproduced the first part of the GTA:O opening but we cannot start cutscenes yet to make the same “plane scene” :stuck_out_tongue:


Amazing and you make a loop like if there is no more “hand made scene” it restart all scene ?

no reason for this stuff to be stopped

Hi Can you make it cutscene Like restless paradise ?

Restless paradise?

yes :grinning:

What is the “Restless Paradise” ?

best server fr


i think you can now


what a late response lol

Did you figure it out yet?