[help] Car picture Preview

when we buy the car by phone, i want to see a picture

so i edited /resource/vrp/cfg/garage.lua.

[“mb250”] = {"*bants V250 2019", 50000000,"",“https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/585441446664863773/610247243395760139/136.jpg”},

like that …

but car picture was not displayed.

someone told me , you have to edit /module/basic_garage.lua to display.
but i don,t know how to

anybody help me? or give me source of basic_garage.lua file to display car picture?

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Hi, I’m sorry. I don’t have an answer for your question. But I want to know if you can be so kind as to tell me how you do to buy cars on the cell phone. I have noticed that if I add many cars to the dealer, the lag (ping) goes up. And I think the solution would be to give my users the possibility to buy cars (Add On) on their cell phones. Would you help me?

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