[Help] Add markers to map (Gang locations)

You can change the name of the blip using


So if you have a blip (blip object), blipid as an int, name as a string you could use–

  local blip = AddBlipForCoord(vpos.x, vpos.y, vpos.z)
  SetBlipSprite(blip, tonumber(blipid))
  SetBlipDisplay(blip, 4)
  SetBlipScale(blip, 0.9)
  SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true)

Order seems to matter so make sure you call those 3 functions after setting the display and scale etc.

Could you do this, except for player blips created by the trainer? So, that player blips would not show up on the radar.

Can someone help to create a blip?
I try the script blip above but it doesnt work
when I join the server it says “couldnt load resource blip.lua”

hey dude its not hard mate here use this script just change to your names and locations

mapblips.7z (774 Bytes)

you will also need this script to find the x, y , z

showcoords.7z (2.7 KB)

have fun message me if you need help

only know bugs are you cant add tons of them but if you need more just make another script of same vaules and just call it mapblips2 or whatever you want

I might need help could you help me out ?

Here is a easy Script to add custom Blips to your Map: BlipsBuilder | Add blips easily | Dev Tools