Hellow, Please help me with Job script!

Because this script does not work, I am trying to create an LSD processing point but when I go to those coordinates the Farming screen does not appear, Thanks in advance

[“Palets de lsd 25”] = {
def = {
name=“Palets de lsd 25”, – menu name
permissions = {“harvest.weed”}, – you can add permissions
r=0,g=200,b=0, – color
x=0,y=0,z=0, – pos
radius=5, height=1.5, – area
recipes = {
[“Montar palets”] = { – action name
description=“Cargando paquetes en un palets”, – action description
in_money=500, – money taken per unit
out_money=0, – money earned per unit
reagents={ – items taken per unit
[“lsd 25”] = 10
products={ – items given per unit
[“Palet de lsd”] = 1
positions = {

Use pastebin or use the code blocks to put your code in… nobody wants to read that when its just pasted on here